Sunday, May 16, 2010

A snippet, defined as a small piece of something....

Here's a snippet from my paying job at the gov't liquor store....paying as oppose to "unpaid" work, which I have been doing for 16 years now and will continue to do for many more....ah, a woman's work....

So, anyhow, I had the most surreal experience cashiering the other day...the cab driver in town that seconds as an Elvis impersonator (at least I think he's an impersonator) was in my line up....not unusual...what was unusual was the way he seemed preoccupied as I was ringing through his purchase. I told him what he owed and it was at that moment that I noticed why he was preoccupied...his wallet was stuck in the pocket of his jeans and he was trying desperately to get it out. He was standing there, Elvis side burns and all kinda jumping on the spot and trying to retrieve his very snug wallet. "my jeans are too tight, I can't get it out." he said to my straight face. Paid by the hour, I patiently waited without much commentary other than "hmph." while he succeeded in dislodging his bulging wallet from his front pant pocket. It was quite a sight.

At least I didn't have the hysterical cat lady that had come through the busy line ups earlier in the day....I don't think I would have been able to keep a straight face for that one....
Seriously, she came in wahooing and sobbing and I was sure it was a domestic violence issue and was glad to see a supervisor approach her and ask if everything was ok....obviously it was not...but he then came up to the front and whispered to me in a serious tone that she had to put her cat down. I know, I know, that's sad and I seem a bit cold hearted here but it was just so very "liquor store regular" type behavior....yeah, we get some pretty wild ones. Anyhoo, poor gal. Thank the universe she didn't go through my line up...I would definitely have broken out in an inappropriate smile. Not cause it was was just very liquor store-esque.

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